Several of these young men are no longer with us. In the Ogaden Desert, Ethiopia, 2007
Courtenay and I have been together essentially since we were kids. Ithaca, New York, 1991
Beginning of the first Africa adventure, 1990
Playing war in Kenya with Dan Eldon (center) and Roko Belic during our "Year On"
Commander Peacock and his wife, The Victim, in a Nairobi photo studio. 2011
On the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, 1992. The man next to me was the guy I handed a little incentive to, so we could keep climbing
One of my favorite pictures of Courtenay. 1996
On safari in Samburu, Kenya
My Oxford dorm
I missed the shot. In Kenya’s spectacularly beautiful Rift Valley
30,000 feet above Sudan. Flying to Darfur
First newspaper job, Brooksville, Florida. (Note the Save the Children necktie)
Sahafi Hotel, Dan’s last address
Best way to get through a checkpoint? Dress up. In northern Afghanistan, 2002
Another early date
Stranded on a remote airstrip in Baidoa, Somalia
Notice the cookies lovingly glued to the side, like portholes
During a rare trip to Europe and an even rarer visit to an art gallery
Deep wounds, self-inflicted every year by the pious. Karbala, Iraq
Baby Asa
Apollo and Asa, made in Africa
On a bus in Djibouti, about to witness Africa’s smallest war
Bahram, the Taliban prisoner boy, in captivity. Northern Afghanistan, 2002
Many women in central Africa favor this hairstyle. Dungu, Congo
Courtenay was never a big fan of the uniform but occasionally humored me. On a pirate patrol in the Arabian Sea, 2008. We thought the sailor motif was appropriate.
We’d often get crowds during interviews. In an Afar village, Djibouti.
We'd try and keep a straight face. Usually. Nairobi, 2007
Thrilled to be alive after driving 26 hours from Kismayo to Mogadishu, Somalia
With the Rashaida nomads, in Eritrea
Shoes off for interviewing one of Sudan’s most dangerous, intelligent and whimsical intellectuals, Hassan Al-Turabi. Khartoum, Sudan
The Da Vinci Brothers. The big guy in white is my old friend Benny, an actor. He was the first of us to leave the stage, tugged down by ALS at age 37
Getting the lay of the land in Murphy, North Carolina, 2002
Apollo and a Samburu friend in northern Kenya
Mogadishu’s ruined cathedral was one of the last places Dan photographed
Roko, Tahir Square, Cairo, during the "Year On" in 1992. Notice the stray pair of feet.
Asa making friends in Mozambique
This guy, Titan, is just a baby. On a South African rhino ranch
One of my favorite haunts. Black Diamond night club. Nairobi
Drinks menu in Malawi
Courtenay wearing her Jackie O. hat, sailing the Indian Ocean. Lamu Island, Kenya
Khalid Hussein, a translator in the Times’s Baghdad bureau, saved my life several times. He was shot and killed not long after this interview. Baghdad, 2004
The Valley of the Caves, Afghanistan.
Courtenay with an elder in Somaliland
"New York may got its ball. But we got our possum!" With the guest of honor, right before the annual "possum drop," in Brasstown, North Carolina
Our Save the Date card
Apollo with Alfred’s son, Eleke, in Nairobi
Courtenay filming a Ugandan refugee camp
Interviewing Somali militants
Never got a straight answer on this one. In northern Kenya
The day the Iraq war began, March 20, 2003. The sign is an old-fashioned "rack card" from a sidewalk newspaper vending machine (‘member those?)
Our wedding, with best man Roko, in Westchester, New York. To cut the cake, he used a Yemeni dagger I gave him after his dad disappeared
Our first conjugal war zone. Kismayo, Somalia
The last river we crossed with Commander Peacock
Shortly before we were kidnapped and thrown in an Ethiopian prison
On safari, not far from our house, in Kenya